Page name: GO KILL YOURSELF [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-21 17:17:03
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Before you make any comment, before you come in there and tell me I suck, read the whole fucking thing. I'm really getting sick ofpeople coming in here and saying I'm a jackass,and I'm an asshole, when they don't even know what it is I'm talking about, because they haven't read the entire thing.


I do not give a flying fuck what you think about what I've written. In the last week, I've had two seprate youngins that somewhat fit the following description
message me, and tell me how wrong I am, or how stupid I am for my point of view. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF. I don't give a rats ass if you care or not. What's even funnier is that both of these youngins that have messaged me, didn't even know what they were talking about. Do I think that all 13-15 year old kids are depressed? No. Do I think that all kids that listen to Linkin Park and Evanesence are depressed? No. Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them. Because they're too fuckin stupid to realize that life is not about the latest fucking band or acting cool.

The ones that don't seem to realize that they're just a bunch of fucking corprate tools that shop at Hot Topic and claim that they are "unique."

I hate to tell you, but you are not unique. You're fucking corprate tools. What is Hot Topic? A corperation. I don't wanna hear no shit about how you're a fucking individual. Grow up.

Now that it's been said, everything below is exactly as this wiki was and should be. Don't like it? Don't message me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
Kiss my ass, go to hell, or whatever else you would rather do.

*NEW* (26/26/05)*
You know, I was thinking about it earlier, and although music does play a huge part nin most of our lives, we are not the music we listen to. We are not defined by the bands we like.We as a people seem to put too much emphasis on the bands we listen to when forming relationships with other people... asif it's the only thing, we as human beings, should have in common with one another. I dont really think the music we listen to should dictate the rest of our behaviors. Thats what's wrong with this entire "goth/punk/emo" thing right now. You can ony be goth if you listen to the bands other goth kids listen to... or if you listen to punk bands, then you're only hardcore if you listen to bands nobody else has heard of.... it's pathetic really.... and it's only getting worse.

I finally realized the one thing that I hate worse than Wiggers! I absolutely, positiely and utterly LOATHE 13-15 year old kids that think it's "Cool" to be depressed. I've been browsing the random online members of this site, and unfortunately, about half the ones I found fit this category. We all know the type. They're like fourteen, and listen to Linkin Park, and Evanesence and think they're all goth, and spooky and shit. They talk about being suicidal because they think other people actually give a flying fuck what happens to them. They're the same kids that scream "accept me! accept me! accept me!" to the Ambercrombie and Fitch wearing crowd, but then scream about how much they hate preppies, ect. Just let me run into one of them in a dark alley, that is, if they weren't too scared to be alone in the dark.


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[Lethargic Panda]: ...You should spend your time checking. >.>

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *blink blink*

[Lethargic Panda]: It's annoying when people completely develop and begin advertising for empty wikis you own, in the course of one day. x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Ooo...who did that?

[Lethargic Panda]: Some random girl I don't know.

[Lethargic Panda]: Indeed.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *bites lethargic's hand*

[Lethargic Panda]: *kicks Impster's shin*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *bites your ear*

[Lethargic Panda]: ...*tells on you*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Fine..see if I care .. *crosses arms* Not like they'd spank me anyway...wait...who are you telling?

[Lethargic Panda]: The Spanker. >.>

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Whos' that?

[Lethargic Panda]: Right, probably.

[The Right]: no, not I. and besides, I was looking through differrent page versions and I have yet to have spotted the culprit again.

[Lethargic Panda]: [wooo] was the wiki messer I had. o.o

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *has never really had a problem with it*

[Lethargic Panda]: Not cool enough? :P

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Nope...never was and never will be

[Lethargic Panda]: Depressing.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *shruggs* Typical...

[Lethargic Panda]: Why is you be so depressing?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'm not trying to be. It's just very typical...

[Lethargic Panda]: What part is typical?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Just my life in general. The same things happen over and mum gets mad at me, my friends backstab me because of some childish bullshit and I live by caffine nicotine and music....just typical life...

[Lethargic Panda]: How fun. You could...mix things up?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: then caffine..then nicotine?

[Lethargic Panda]: While it does rhyme, you're not thinking hard enough.

[Lethargic Panda]: Yeah. :/

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: anyway...

[Lethargic Panda]: How's the weather?

[Lethargic Panda]: Oh, what joy. -.-

[The Right]: especially if you have curly hair...

[Lethargic Panda]: Does Right? o.o;

[The Right]: no, but Jay does

[Lethargic Panda]: I sees. You could shave it? >:D

[The Right]: no. no no no never

[Lethargic Panda]: ...burn it?

[The Right]: he has the most beautiful hair in the world

[Lethargic Panda]: More beautiful then gods hair?

[The Right]: I can't awnser that, because I'm not sure what god is at the moment.

[Lethargic Panda]: Lets go by South Park's interpretation.


[The Right]: that was not anything I cared to see.

[Lethargic Panda]: If you click it, it gets bigger. :D

[The Right]: I don't need to know that either

[Lethargic Panda]: That guy is naked. *points at a naked guy*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Go figure.... And about curly hair..I have naturally curly hair...>_< Insane frizz because it does ringlets, not just curls...

[Lethargic Panda]: ...I see.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Yea... Oi oi

[Lethargic Panda]: *dies*

[AbLam]: Curly haired people kick ass.

[The Right]: My hair is so straight most of the time.... it pisses me off

[Lethargic Panda]: You could...curl it?

[girl. interrupted.]: I wish I had straight hair... I have super curly hair and I straighten it!

[The Right]: I have such baby fine hair, that it won't curl for a shit.... even if I perm it

[Lethargic Panda]: Perms are like the ultimate form of coolness, too.

[AbLam]: Curly hair rules, [girl. interrupted.]! You should be proud! ^_^! And [The Right] straight hair looks quite nice itself...

[The Right]: eh..... anyway....

[AbLam]: Yeh

[Lethargic Panda]: Good comment. x.x

[AbLam]: Well I couldn't think of anything else to say.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *eats arm*

[Lethargic Panda]: Does we thinks she needs time, in the box?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Oh no...not ...the box... *eyes wide..still eating arm*

[Lethargic Panda]: My eyes hurt. x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: You should stop poking yourself and it'll stop hurting

[Lethargic Panda]: I'm not poking myself. o.o

[AbLam]: HHEHEHE,...yeah

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Then stop having other people poke your eye...

[Lethargic Panda]: Again, not happening.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Well, that's too bad.

[Lethargic Panda]: Your words hurt.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Ya know, I might care...but I don't.

[The Right]: I've decided that I must single handedly take down the McDonalds Corperation.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: What happened?

[Lethargic Panda]: Impster is so callous. v.v

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Oh..the sorrow..I'm callous. My grama called me bitter once. ^_^

[AbLam]: Nooo....I like the chicken mcnuggets! :)

[Lethargic Panda]: I haven't had mcnuggets for many, many, many years. o.o

[AbLam]: Mmmm....I only have them like twice a year. But it's my guilty pleasure.

[Yiwerra]: Ina and I traded accounts for the day. ^.^

[AbLam]: hmmmm

[Lethargic Panda]: yes we did :D

[AbLam]: Well, yeah, IIIIIIIIIIOOOOP

[Yiwerra]: *claps* We are supreme!

[Lethargic Panda]: yay :D :D :D :D

[Yiwerra]: And Ina is popular. >.>

[The Right]: because they're screwing me over bigtime. Or at least one of the managers is

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: _< Stupid fast food managers...

[Sagacious Turkey]: Ahem! *manager of Bob's Diner*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Ok....again....?

[Lethargic Panda]: How're they screwing you over, now? o.o


[Sagacious Turkey]: my my... that's one nasty cough... *hands you a coughdrop*

[The Right]: they're fuckin over my hours, like last week, they gave me a 2pm-12am shift then expected me to be back for a 5am-3pm shift the next day, they've changed my staion, they've tried to get me fired twice now... it's just all fuckedup

[AbLam]: Sounds like they need some ass kicking!

[The Right]: or to be anally raped by cows.

[Lethargic Panda]: Poor cows.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hehe...this reminds me of this question I asked my friend last night, "How do you feel about these two words...Anal Explosion."

[AbLam]: Ummm....painful?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I thought the words sounded pretty funny together personally...

[AbLam]: Haha...yeah, like in south park..with kenny...expllosive diarrhea

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Mwhahahahahaha....

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: For fucks sake. if someones depressed, they ARE depressed. You're practically stating that 13-15 year olds can't be depressed. No one should fucking grow-up but you. Fucking pathetic sad-ass dick. They don't listen to HIM because they're depressed. They listen to them 'cause they're good. End of. Oh and, you should go and kill yourself. Stop complaining, 'cause its really pathetic. :)

[Sagacious Turkey]: *coughgrowupcough*

[Lethargic Panda]: It would help if people read the first paragraph before complaining. x.x

[Lethargic Panda]: And 11 year olds shouldn't have hands.

[Sagacious Turkey]: WHAT?! NO HANDS?!

[Lethargic Panda]: No, don't explain it to her, let her look stupid.

[AbLam]: okay(ha ha, grow-up? What's with the hyphon? Does she mean grow-op?)

[AbLam]: There we go!

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Big fucking deal. I'm 11 years old. So what? Go fuck yourself.

[AbLam]: That was very mature. I'm wounded.

[Lethargic Panda]: Through her articulate statement, she has shown me the errors of my thinking.

[AbLam]: I think you are one of those people this wiki is about.

[Lethargic Panda]: We need to lower the age limit. *claps*

[AbLam]: I hope she knows it's not cool to say that she got drunk and stuff like that when she's 11. Jeez.

[girl. interrupted.]: Jesus Christ, [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]. A) get over yourself, B) stop acting like a bitch and C) Take off the training bra and act like you're 11. My god...

[Lethargic Panda]: An 11 year old getting drunk is depressing.

[AbLam]: I agree. I mean she's part of depressed people...what more can you say?

[Lethargic Panda]: We can call her petty names? I think she smells.

[AbLam]: *Snorts*. Yeah-smelly mc smelly kid!

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Jesus Christ. I'm only part of the wiki depressed people, because I can be depressed some of the time. And Smokeygal14, I'm always a bitch. Fucking deal with it, and what the fuck are you on about? "Take off the training bra" Thats a little off the subject. I don't think it's "cool" to be depressed. And I've been drunk once or twice. So what? My older friends gave alcohol to me. Stop being a bunch of ass-wipes, and stop changing the subject.

[Lethargic Panda]: The wiki depressed people is all about advertising depressedness (...not depression, because...that sounds more real...). And we're not changing the subject too much, it's still about you. :D

[Lethargic Panda]: So can be happy? What with the attention and all. Just a thought.

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: I don't want attention. I've never asked for it, never wanted it.

[Lethargic Panda]: Then why did you come in here yelling at us? So we'd look away and go about our business?

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Because I'm pissed off with this wiki.

[Lethargic Panda]: Read the first paragraph though, it decimates your first argument.

[Lethargic Panda]: I know you won' I'll quote. "Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them."

[AbLam]: Drunk once or twice. yeah, even now you're trying to be cool. And being a bitch isn't cool either. Being an 11 year old bitch is even less cool. And yes, I think you do think its cool to be depressed, otherwise you wouldn't be telling everyone "WOW, LOOK AT ME, I AM DEPRESSED!"

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: You obviously didn't read anything I wrote. I said something along the lines of "If people are depressed, They ARE depressed. They don't do it to act cool" You may get one or two like that, but big fucking deal. No need to make a wiki about it. Show's how much fun his life is, critizising depressed kids.

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: I didn't say that. What the fuck are you on. I'm not depressed, I've been a few times, but I don't go shouting about it anyway. I don't even use the term "cool" anyway. I don't care about what you think, so..Yeah.

[AbLam]: [The Right] is a girl, if you would bother to look at her house. Actually, you are completely wrong. You hear about all the fake depressed people, such as yourself, and you hear much less of the real depressed people, who actually need help.

[Lethargic Panda]: He's a she, and it's far, far, far more than one or two, and it's incredibly annoying. Do a member search and type things such as "depressed," "suicidal," and "666," you'll find that it encompasses many. There's a difference between depressed people, and people who say they're depressed. Someone who actually is, tends to not advertise it.

[Lethargic Panda]: *shakes fist at your sending firstness* I'll get you next time, Gadget. *pets cat and conceals face*

[AbLam]: Unlike, say, you.

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Their are depressed people who don't need that much help? Ever heard of Mild Depression? And yeah..I know their are people who need help, and I know they don't all advertise it.

[Lethargic Panda]: I bet our new friend has postpartum depression, because she got knocked up. *makes the situation seemingly more depressing*

[Lethargic Panda]: And the ones that don't advertise it are the ones we're not against, deary.

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: And, btw. 666 has nothing to do with depression.

[Lethargic Panda]: Most kids that claim to be depressed are doing so to be dark; most kids with 666 in their usernames claim to be depressed.

[AbLam]: Yes, I have heard of mild depression. Do I even care if you don't use the term 'cool'? That is totally beside the point. And if you would take a look at your ouse, you would see that you most definitely do act like you are 'depressed'. It's 'there', mi darlin, not 'their'.

[AbLam]: Tsk tsk. Such an angry child.

[Lethargic Panda]: Three out of five people's descriptions of you on your page say you're depressed. x.o

[AbLam]: Actually you said "I didn't most of my house about a months ago." that makes no sense, darlin'.

[AbLam]: So may I ask what your point was to spamming this wiki?

[Lethargic Panda]: She wanted attention, I says.

[AbLam]: Well, you deserved what you got. I agree , Panda.

[Lethargic Panda]: You expected us to happily except your ignorances? x.x

[Lethargic Panda]: Too bad.

[AbLam]: We won't mourn you're leaving! Have fun smoking up and getting drunk! And remember, sweetie, down the highway.

[Lethargic Panda]: For someone with other things to do, she sure did respond fast as fuck, though, eh?

[Lethargic Panda]: *sniffs* Does it smell better in here? >.>

[AbLam]: Yeah I know. I guess she had to hang out with all of her 'older friends' so that she could be all cool and badass-oh wait! She doesn't use the word 'cool'!Right!

[AbLam]: You know, I think it does!

[Lethargic Panda]: What an odd coincidence. When I was little I had a ton of older friends, does that make me more badass and ...badass?

[AbLam]: No, lol, she just thinks that it makes her bad ass.

[The Right]: it's okay. I've asked her not to come back... if she does, we can just have her banned. lol.  if not, we have the option of ignorin g her as well... although it's tempting not to

[Lethargic Panda]: Why would we want to ignore such an easy kill though? o.o Sure did spice things up a bit. They really should make it so that wiki owners can ban certain members from commenting, on their own.

[AbLam]: Yeah I know. The way it is, only the elftown guards can do naything like thta. But maybe they don't want people misusing the right or something....who knows!

[The Axe Effect]: Guess what the cat brought in... IT's SNEIDER!

[Sagacious Turkey]: Bad cat! *smacks cat*

[Lethargic Panda]: !! Where hath Sneider been?

[The Right]: dude, with two wordss.... you could have pissed off all the peta people

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Fuck peta

[Lethargic Panda]: Impster is awfully unfriendly nowadays. x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: No, Peta has always pissed me off.

[Lethargic Panda]: With their callously not wanting to harm animals?

[The Right]: hmmm... sometimes I just think they're going about making thier point the wrong way.

[Lethargic Panda]: Which ways are you referring to? o.o

[The Right]: I just don't agree with their methods. like the whole paint thing. isn't that somewhat barbaric? I mean, I beleive in their cause, don't get me wrong. I worked at anhorse rescue for a long time, I just wish they wouldn't cram it down everyone elses' throats

[Lethargic Panda]: I can identify with that. x.o But while throat cramming is annoying, it really seems to be the main way peta gets heard.

[The Right]: *wants to go to bed, but promised hubby she'd stay up till he gets outta work*

[Lethargic Panda]: I can go to bed anytime I like. *has no obligations* >:P

[The Right]: yeah.... good for you

[Lethargic Panda]: Jealous?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: She's probably not. Although, I could be completely wrong so nevermind. The problem is that while PETA does a good job of advertising their point...they could find some better ways then destroying other people's property. They do use their rights in the constitution well but I think that they don't realize that we don't need to stop animal slaughter. Just make it more humane.

[The Right]: you know... I agree with that.... and there's not really much that I agree with... lol

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Well...I feel so spiffily special now.

[The Right]: *thinks of spliffys*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: What exactly are spliffys?

[The Right]: you've never smoked a spliffy?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Nope, never even heard of them.

[The Right]: spliffy=joint

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Oh alrighty. Nope. Dun smoke that way.

[The Right]: it happens.

[savonalora]: spliffy? we like to call it "nen pit" :p

[Lethargic Panda]: Good to know.

[The Right]: nen pit eh? that's one I never heard.

[Lethargic Panda]: "[Fall Out Boy lover]i'll draw u a pretty picture-i'll draw it with a twist-i'll draw it with a razorblade-i'll draw it on my wrist"   I think we got another one who misunderstood the concept of the wiki, somehow.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *rolls eyes* I wish someone really would draw a pretty picture...all I ever see are lines. I mean jesus..get creative.

[nokaredes]: I drew a heart once...on my knee...but that was out of boredom, not emo cuttingness...

[Lethargic Panda]: Emo Allie.

[The Right]: I did a fllower on my ankle once.... I was gonna ink it too... buty never got around to it

[Lethargic Panda]: Was it nicely done, or just...a mess, that you called a flower? o.o

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